The Articles of Incorporation are an important factor in the process of incorporating a business or company. It is the sole document that is submitted to the proper State office and is usually the last step in the incorporation process. In a way, the Articles of Incorporation can be seen as a formal and legal application to the State to review whether or not such a business can be properly incorporated. The Articles of Incorporation can be a fairly simply document, though for more complex businesses, it can be a very lengthy and complex ordeal.
Generally speaking, Articles of Incorporation will
usually require the help of an attorney in order to be properly drafted. In
simple terms, the Articles of Incorporation will consist of information and
details regarding the reason for the company to be incorporated, the location
of the business, the nature of the business, officers, and the set of rules or
regulations detailing how the corporation is meant to work and function. These
facets are covered in three articles.
The first Article of Incorporation will provide for the description of the corporation. Article Two states the business or corporation name. Lastly, the term or length of time in which the business will stay incorporated, which usually is unlimited, is set forth in Article Three.
However, the Articles of Incorporation will usually include more Articles stating other aspects of the business. An example could be an Article of Incorporation in regards to salaries, or another Article of Incorporation regarding stock issues.
NEXT: What is a Corporate Charter?